Switched to Jekyll

It has been a while since I last blogged about a “decent” topic and actually it’s been a while blogging about anything. The reason is the lack of time and also some lazyness. But that should change now, and the first step I took was migrating my blog from Drupal to a Jekyll generated website. Not that Drupal is bad or anything, but it’s quite overkill and somehow felt not really productive while creating content.

So how did I end up with Jekyll?

Because I like using plain text files for writing (I use Latex quite a lot) I started looking for a blogging tool that used plain text files to store it’s content instead of a database. PyBloxsom, Blosxom came to mind, but then Jekyll popped up in one of my search results and immediatly liked it because it generates static content you can upload to any webserver. No more php, python, perl, Mysql or updating needed. However, you do need Ruby on the machine that does the generation.. One “drawback” of a static website is commenting and for a moment I was planning on dropping comments on my blog but went for Disqus which I actually quite like.

Now I have my blog stored in a git repository that rsyncs the static content to my webserver when I push my changes. As simple as that.

I really like the thought of using Markdown and vim to write my blogposts from now on (and of course the geeky factor of all this). The only thing left is improving the layout and sanatizing the setup a bit more